Bare branches and open space -
a place to perch and
ponder these difficult days.
- Diane
Bare branches and open space -
a place to perch and
ponder these difficult days.
- Diane
The sparkling Universe spoke her most vivid speech:
fall into the darkness and experience all your light.
- Diane
... you are beautiful!
— Diane
You belong to the journey that beckons,
the waves that take you away,
and the love that calls you in your longing.
* * *
I have spent many moments gazing out into this Half Moon Bay harbor, hearing the whispers on the wind and knowing that it was time to cast off to the next journey. So grateful for the unending ripples of reflections that these healing waters bring.
- Diane
While it's not been a huge El Niño year here in California, the much needed winter storms have not left the San Mateo coast unscathed. The rising seas and high waves have battered the already crumbling bluffs and left some worse for the ware. Washed ashore was this leaning vessel, no doubt waiting for hide tides to return it to it's natural buoyancy!
- Diane
It always feels sudden to me, the onset of spring. It's like a door bursts open and all the light and sweet fragrances of the season pours in. I breath deeply and tell myself I'll never forget this glorious time of LIFE. But I always do. The same portal that suddenly opened will close again until the next one suddenly appears. And when it does, I’ll marvel in the magic all over again.
- Diane
... for this is the year to soar!
- Diane
It's all so fleetingly beautiful.
- Diane
Just imagine what you could do with your life
if you truly believed it would ALL make a difference.
- Diane